The Perl Conference 2018

Birds of a Feather Sessions

Birds of a Feather sessions (aka BoFs) are sessions where attendees get together to discuss a topic of interest or just have fun. There is no presentation, but the organizer will determine the content of the session.

Bad Movie Night

David H. Adler | Tue, 6/19 at 7:00 pm | 5 hours | Idaho

Bad Movie Night has become something of a tradition at YAPC/TPC over the years. If it isn’t clear, it is an evening of watching bad movies for those who enjoy that sort of thing.

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF

Board Game Night

Lena Hand | Sun, 6/17 at 7:00 pm | 3 hours | Idaho

Come play your favorite board game (hopefully you brought it!) with fellow Perlers! Bring a game or 2, or just bring you.

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF

Climbing Gym BOF

Dave Rolsky | Tue, 6/19 at 7:30 pm | 3 hours

We’ll meet in the lobby and head to The Front Climbing Gym.

They have auto-belays, so both totally new and experienced climbers can join us easily. Sign up on the wiki if you’d like to come.

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF

CPAN Pull Request Challenge

Kivanc Yazan | Wed, 6/20 at 7:00 pm | 3 hours | Arizona

Work on improving CPAN modules, and submit pull requests!

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF

Native & Inline & RPerl

Will 'the Chill' Braswell | Tue, 6/19 at 12:00 pm | 90 minutes | Idaho

Mixing Perl w/ Other Languages, Perl Compiler Technologies, Fast Native Execution!

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF

Origami Workshop

Jeffrey Goff | Wed, 6/20 at 7:00 pm | 3 hours | Idaho

Learn and share Origami. You don’t need to know a single fold in order to get started, we’ll teach you what you need to know. I’ll supply ideas in the form of convention books, and paper to work with. This will be a more traditional Origami workshop

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF

TPF Fundraising BoF

Dan Wright | Tue, 6/19 at 12:00 pm | 90 minutes | Wyoming

This will be a meeting for anybody interested in helping with TPF fundraising. We will be kicking off several initiatives we hope to complete in Fall/Winter 2018.

Audience: Everyone
Track: BoF